Playground Work
We are excited to announce the playground mulch at the park next to the mailhut will be replaced this Thursday and Friday, January 2nd & 3rd. This mulch has been deteriorating for several years now and as a Capital Asset of the community it is time for replacement for the safety of all of Breckenridge's children. We are most excited we were able to secure a fabulous price on rubber mulch, that lasts many years longer, does not breed insects and resists the growth of mold and mildew unlike wood mulch. As such, the playground will be closed January 2nd & 3rd but will reopen on January 4th for all the children to enjoy before heading back to school and throughout the nice days this winter.
Also wanted to provide a status on the repair of the pod at the front park. That piece of play equipment is discontinued, and the replacement parts have not been easy to come by. Welding and bearing replacement were required on both the top and bottom of the pod. What appear to be simple repairs has taken more time than planned but the good news is the pod should be back up and available for use in the next week.
Finally, the tetherball court line and ball has been replaced for the 6th time now. We are not certain what is taking place at this popular game, but we are asking parents to talk with your children about respectful use of the equipment, and to please help monitor the use of this equipment. if you see children abusing the equipment, kindly correct the behavior or advise the parents of the children what you observed. We want our playground equipment to be available at all times and for all children for a very long time. Please help us take care of it and report any safety hazards or necessary repairs right away to our manager, Renee Sanders at
Annual Election Results
Please join me in congratulating Michael Morris on his re-election to serve another 3-year term on the Board of Directors. We appreciate the time, knowledge and skill with which he, along with Becky Francoline and Heidi Parker, lead your Board of Directors and Community.
Park Improvements & Maintenance Approved
The Board was thrilled to approve an offer and request by one of Breckenridge's own resident Boy Scouts, Joey Wesner, to install a tetherball pit and park bench near the playground at no cost to the Association. This Scout approached the Board with his father present at a quarterly Board Meeting to present his idea and ask the Board to allow him to improve the community that has given him so much joy growing up, and would also allow him to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout. Joey will complete this work once the BSA has approved his project this fall or spring 2024. Thanks Joey!
The small park at the top of Pommel Way was evaluated for condition & safety. While it was once determined this park was deteriorating in such a way that once it became a safety issue, the Board would have it removed rather than make repairs. The evaluation returned more positive results, just minor repairs and general maintenance is needed. The park equipment overall is in good condition, just needs powerwashed, minor repairs to remove and replace two broken chains, remove and replace the 6 deteriorated boards on the park bench, 8 rotted 6x6x8's that frame in the playground, and finally to add 40 cubic yards of new playground mulch, for a total cost of $4,350.00 that is far less than what it will cost to remove it all and restore the ground. The asphalt path is showing its age, but can wait to be addressed when the community wide asphalt overlay project is scheduled for 2028.
Line Striping Scheduled
Now that the Paver-X rejuvenation product has had time to cure on the roads, we have scheduled the line striping of the school bus route, speed humps, area in front of the mailbox hut and 5 strategically located stop bars. This work will have a limited impact on traffic, though we ask you to avoid crossing the work where the cones are placed (and moved along) as they paint. This is scheduled for Monday, 9/18/23, and of course is weather dependent.
* View Project Maps HERE to see scheduled partial road closures *
Beginning Tuesday, August 15, 2023, and extending through Friday, August 18, 2023, (weather permitting), the asphalt rejuvenation project will commence on the roads within Breckenridge. As you may have noticed, the roads are showing noticeable signs of aging. The classic solution for road repairs is “mill and replace” meaning that the top layer of the asphalt is removed, and a fresh layer of asphalt is applied. However, the best way to extend the life of our existing roads is through the use of a rejuvenation process. This process entails the application of a proprietary liquid called PAVERX to the pavement. It penetrates the asphalt binder, restoring its elasticity and binding capabilities. It is analogous to applying lotion to chapped skin as it is restorative. It is NOT the same as driveway sealer which is more analogous to paint and is totally unsuited for application on roads.
The PAVERX liquid will be applied to all roads in Breckenridge over a 3-day period. This will require one half of the roadway to be closed for a period of 24 hours once the road is closed on each day that road is being treated. Application will begin at 8:00 AM each day and will progress as the liquid is applied to all the scheduled areas. This means some sections will not close until later in the morning and will formally remain closed until the following morning. One half of each road being treated will remain open during the entire treatment process. Walking paper will be put down at intervals on each road being treated for owners to walk across the treated surfaces. Refer to the detailed map for crossing locations on your road.
Please do not drive or walk on the newly treated surface during the time that your street is being rejuvenated if possible because the product will track. Cones will be placed on the side of the road treated to remind drivers that side of the road is not available. Residents are asked to mow, trim, and blow back cuttings onto your property before August 14th or to wait until Saturday August 19th.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
TREE TRIMMING SCHEDULED ALONG POWERLINES - BY POTOMAC EDISON Potomac Edison will be trimming trees along the powerlines behind the park at the end of Pommel in the next 30 days.
The BOD and management have seen the social media posts about the current fiber upgrade installations throughout the community. As with most similar projects throughout the region, neither the HOAs nor homeowners were given any notification or any explanation of this project, nor do we have any additional information. Further, unfortunately the HOA does not have authority here. Frontier does not appear to be operating outside of the norm for this type of project, and any issues having to do with personal property and the utility company must be resolved between those parties.
The HOA has made contact with Frontier and stated our dissatisfaction with how the project came about without any notification whatsoever, as well as our expectations for complete property restoration. The Association will continue to do so.
Although much of the affected property is within the road Right of Way, it remains on private property and the HOA continues to encourage affected owners to contact Frontier as well should there be specific concerns.
Any concerns about easement locations, issues pertaining to their employees, or restoration of property should be directed to Frontier. Their compliance officer for this project is Troy Everett, 304-490-5321.
We do understand that it is concerning to see markings, heavy equipment, and machinery on your properties, as well as the addition of new utility boxes. And it is disheartening to so many of you who have beautifully maintained properties be affected by this. That said, whether you are a Frontier customer or not, having fiber capability in the neighborhood is considered an upgrade that can potentially boost everyone's property values, which ultimately is a positive for our HOA.
HERE is an interesting article/blog on the general topic of utility companies doing this type of work.
As a reminder, neither the HOA (Board of Directors, management company) have control over the current Frontier cable installation project. The HOA has no authority to tell them to stop, nor does the HOA control when they perform their work, or how they perform their work. Any complaints should be directed to Frontier Communications at 877-462-7319. The workers in the community are all subcontractors of Frontier. The failure of any notification of this project to the Breckenridge community was a result of the project manager not doing so. I work with many HOAs throughout the county, and this activity has started or is about to start in other subdivisions, and there are different project managers overseeing the subdivisions. Yesterday we received the attached "pre construction flyer" for another HOA - this would have been enormously helpful for Breckenridge residents and the management company to have received prior to our project, but that was not the case.
Despite the above, the HOA has and will be an advocate for the community as it is able, and Frontier has been duly notified of Breckenridge's concerns, dissatisfaction, and expectations for restoration.
In October all owners were mailed information and a ratification form regarding a proposed Fifth Amendment to the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions to allow for permanent, above-ground swimming pools. A deadline for return of Ratification Forms was noted as December 31, 2020. The final results of the proposal are as follows:
123 of 282 Lots responded (44%)
64 Lots were in favor (23% of all Lots)
59 Lots were opposed (21% of all Lots)
In accordance with the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, the affirmation of at least 67% of all Lots is required to ratify any proposed change. As such, the proposed amendment failed to pass.
Due to a visible increase in street parking as well as an increase in the number of non-passenger vehicles in the community, the Board of Directors recently discussed and ultimately obtained legal counsel in order to clarify parking restrictions within the Breckenridge subdivision. Although the language in the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions can sometimes be ambiguous, Article VI, Section 1(i) very clearly prohibits trailers from being maintained upon any Lot or upon the Common Areas at any time. Article VI, Section 1(f)1 also very clearly prohibits parking along the private streets.
The streets within the subdivision are quite narrow, so street parking certainly can impede the flow of traffic. Trailer and other non-passenger vehicle parking within driveways is also presenting a safety concern, as it sometimes causes resident and/or guest parking to spill over to the street.
In an effort to minimize street parking as well as to uphold the restrictions established in the Declaration, the HOA will be strictly enforcing the parking of utility trailers within the subdivision. This includes trailers parked in driveways and upon Lots. For the purposes of enforcement, “utility trailer” shall be defined as a non-motorized vehicle which is generally pulled by a motorized vehicle and features an open or closed top cargo area and is used for the hauling of loads.
Please note that the parking of trailers will be strictly enforced after August 31, 2019, and non-compliance shall be subject to the adopted Rules Enforcement Procedures. If you are currently parking a utility trailer on your property, please make arrangements to have it stored elsewhere. Street parking is currently actively enforced.
What's Going On...
The Board of Directors meets quarterly to discuss the operations of the Homeowners Association. Here are a few items they decided/discussed at or since the last meeting:
The 2019 budget was approved with a $6 per quarter increase in the assessment.
R&L Landscapes, Inc. was awarded the snow removal contract.
Bids are being solicited for the 2019 landscape contract.
Approved projects still pending completion: Painting of yellow line, speed bumps, and stop bars on roadways, repainting of the mail station door and cupola, renovation of entrance monument landscaping, removal of excessive vegetation in storm swale/pond area.
New Snow Removal Contractor for Winter 2018/19
The Board of Directors has evaluated the services received by the snow removal contractor over the past several years, and have decided to award the contract to a new contractor for the upcoming season. This winter, R&L Landscapes will be servicing the Breckenridge community for snow removal services. Note that services are triggered when the accumulated snow reaches 2”. Ice is treated as needed on a case by case basis. Our hope is that this will be a positive change for the community.
2019 Assessment Increase
After six years of no increases, the assessment will increase from $126 to $132 per quarter, effective January 1st, 2019. Overall Breckenridge is in a very strong financial position, and the Board of Directors would like to maintain that position while ensuring that the common areas continue to be well kept, and the recommended funding levels are met for the reserve accounts.
You will receive a billing notice several weeks prior to each quarterly due date – the January billing notices will be mailed in December.
Owners who participate in online bill pay, either through your bank for the HOA’s web pay site, will need to increase the quarterly payment amount to $132.00. Please also note that the new billing notices reflect a new account number, which should be used going forward. As always, online payments may be made via e-check (no fee) or credit/debit cards (bank fee applies) at
Annual Meeting Held - July 2018
The Breckenridge Annual Meeting was held July 19th, at Sam Michael's Park Community Room. At the meeting, owner Sarah Harper was elected to serve a three year term on the Board of Directors. Many thanks to outgoing member Gagan Batra, who completed a term on the Board of Directors.
Pool Season is Here!
In accordance with the Fourth Amendment to the Declaration of Covenants,
above-ground pools may be installed and used between Memorial Day
and Labor Day.
Proposed Common Area Tree Planting with Meadow
UPDATE February 2018
Due to the comments received from homeowners in attendance at the January 2018 BOD meeting, the original plan as proposed has not been approved, and the BOD is reevaluating the project. Additional details will be presented for homeowner input if the project is moved forward.
January 2018
The Breckenridge Board of Directors is currently considering a planting program, with assistance from the Cacapon Institute’s “CommuniTree Program,” that would include additional trees being planted in the common area directly behind the rear property lines of approximately 13 homes on Posting Way.
The proposed planting plan calls for a row of 50 evergreen trees to be planted approximately 15 feet from the rear property lines of the homes along Posting Way. Beyond the evergreens, a meadow area with a natural walking trail (cut grass path) is also proposed, along with additional plantings of shade trees. The purpose of the project is to reintroduce native vegetation to the area in an effort to attract native birds, etc., as well as to provide a safe walking area for members of the community.
A map of the area as well as more detailed project information is available HERE. If approved, the evergreen trees would be planted in spring 2018, and the meadow areas and additional plantings would likely occur in fall 2018.
This topic will be discussed, and a decision likely made, at the upcoming Board of Directors meeting to be held on January 18, 7:00 PM, at the Sam Michaels Park Community Room. You are welcome and invited to attend the meeting, and/or provide any comments or questions to me directly via phone (304-596-6630 x1104) or email (
Annual Meeting Held - July 2017
The Breckenridge Annual Meeting was held July 20th, at Sam Michael's Park Community Room. At the meeting, owner Michael Morris was elected to serve a three year term on the Board of Directors.
Many thanks to outgoing member Craig Daniel, who served two terms on the Board of Directors.