Breckenridge Owners Association, Inc.
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Board Only
~ Announcements ~
2025 Board of Directors:
Michael Morris - President
Heidi Parker - VP
Suzanne Marman-Sec/Treasurer
2025 Quarterly Board of Directors Meetings will be held the 3rd Thursday in January, April, July & October at Sam Michaels Park at 7:00 p.m.
The Annual Meeting is scheduled for July 17, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. at Sam Michaels Park.
A Virtual option to attend is available for each of these meetings. 
Meeting ID: 224 581 612 616 
Passcode: TwBZMT 

Dial in by phone 
+1 347-378-0694
Phone conference ID: 867 699 48#  
2025 Quarterly Assessments:
You should have received your quarterly invoice for the assessments due January 1, 2025, in the amount of $132.00 per quarter. This is the first of 4 invoices you will receive in 2025.  Please register at "pay assessments" to set up your recurring quarterly payment for 2025.  By setting up recurring payments by "E-Check", you can avoid a payment processing fee each quarter.
Annual Election Results 2024
Please join me in congratulating Suzanne Marman on her election to serve a 3-year term on the Board of Directors. We appreciate the time, knowledge and skill with which she, along with Michael Morris and Heidi Parker, lead your Board and Community, and we thank Becky Francoline for having served your community well.  When making your payments you will need this information:
Association ID #374
Unit ID #    (this is your account #)
Annual Election Results 2023
Please join me in congratulating Michael Morris on his re-election to serve another 3-year term on the Board of Directors. We appreciate the time, knowledge and skill with which he, along with Becky Francoline and Heidi Parker, lead your Board and Community. 
behind the park at the end of Pommel in the next 30 days.
2023 Budget Approved
The Board of Directors has approved the 2023 Operating Budget.  There will be no change to the 2023 rate of assessment, which remains $132.00 per quarter.

In October all owners were mailed information and a ratification form regarding a proposed Fifth Amendment to the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions to allow for permanent, above-ground swimming pools.  A deadline for return of Ratification Forms was noted as December 31, 2020.  The final results of the proposal are as follows:
123 of 282 Lots responded (44%)
64 Lots were in favor (23% of all Lots)
59 Lots were opposed (21% of all Lots)
In accordance with the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, the affirmation of at least 67% of all Lots is required to ratify any proposed change.  As such, the proposed amendment failed to pass.  

RV Parking in Breckenridge
Article VI, Section 1.f.1 of the Declaration of Covenants states, "If garages are included in a Living Unit, such garages and driveways shall be used for passenger vehicle storage only (including one self-propelled mobile home)" So, the type of RV is important, and it is only permitted if it is "self-propelled."

Unregistered Vehicles Not Permitted
The Board of Directors recently discussed and reviewed an opinion provided by legal counsel in order to clarify parking restrictions within the Breckenridge subdivision, including the parking of untagged/unregistered vehicles on Lots.   
Please note that all such vehicles are prohibited in accordance with Article VI, Section 1(n) of the Declaration of Covenants which requires owners to comply with local laws, which includes West Virginia's vehicle laws requiring registration of a vehicle within 30 days of it being maintained in the state. 
As such, beginning October 1, 2020, any unregistered and/or untagged vehicle not kept within an enclosed garage will be subject to property violation enforcement.  Thank you for your understanding and compliance.

Utility Trailers Not Permitted
Due to a visible increase in street parking as well as an increase in the number of non-passenger vehicles in the community, the Board of Directors recently discussed and ultimately obtained legal counsel in order to clarify parking restrictions within the Breckenridge subdivision.   Although the language in the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions can sometimes be ambiguous, Article VI, Section 1(i) very clearly prohibits trailers from being maintained upon any Lot or upon the Common Areas at any time.   Article VI, Section 1(f)1 also very clearly prohibits parking along the private streets. 
The streets within the subdivision are quite narrow, so street parking certainly can impede the flow of traffic.  Trailer and other non-passenger vehicle parking within driveways is also presenting a safety concern, as it sometimes causes resident and/or guest parking to spill over to the street.  
In an effort to minimize street parking as well as to uphold the restrictions established in the Declaration, the HOA will be strictly enforcing the parking of utility trailers within the subdivision.  This includes trailers parked in driveways and upon Lots.  For the purposes of enforcement, “utility trailer” shall be defined as a non-motorized vehicle which is generally pulled by a motorized vehicle and features an open or closed top cargo area and is used for the hauling of loads.
Please note that the parking of trailers will be strictly enforced after August 31, 2019, and non-compliance shall be subject to the adopted Rules Enforcement Procedures.  If you are currently parking a utility trailer on your property, please make arrangements to have it stored elsewhere.  Street parking is currently actively enforced.


~ Park Improvements & Maintenance ~
Playground Work
The pod has been repaired and the wood mulch at the front playground has been replaced with rubber mulch that will last significantly longer and provide a safer surface for play.
The tetherball court line and ball has been replaced for the 6th time now.  We are not certain what is taking place at this popular game, but we are asking parents to talk with your children about respectful use of the equipment, and to please help monitor the use of this equipment.  If you see children abusing the equipment, kindly correct the behavior or advise the parents of the children what you observed. We want our playground equipment to be available at all times and for all children for a very long time. Please help us take care of it and report any safety hazards or necessary repairs right away to our manager, Renee Sanders at
2023 - The Board was thrilled to approve an offer and request by one of Breckenridge's own resident Boy Scouts, Joey Wesner, to install a tetherball pit and park bench near the playground at no cost to the Association.  This Scout approached the Board with his father present at a quarterly Board Meeting to present his idea and ask the Board to allow him to improve the community that has given him so much joy growing up, and would also allow him to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout. Joey will complete this work once the BSA has approved his project this fall or spring 2024. Thanks Joey!
The small park at the top of Pommel Way was evaluated for condition & safety.  While it was once determined this park was deteriorating in such a way that once it became a safety issue, the Board would have it removed rather than make repairs.  The evaluation returned more positive results, just minor repairs and general maintenance is needed.  The park equipment overall is in good condition, just needs power washed, minor repairs to remove and replace two broken chains,  remove and replace the 6 deteriorated boards on the park bench, 8 rotted 6x6x8's that frame in the playground, and finally to add 40 cubic yards of new playground mulch, for a total cost of $4,350.00 that is far less than what it will cost to remove it all and restore the ground.  The asphalt path is showing its age, but can wait to be addressed when the community wide asphalt overlay project is scheduled for 2028.

~ Upcoming Events ~
No Events at this time.

~ Online Payment ~
Effective 1/01/2025
HOA fees are $528 annually, billed in quarterly installments of $132.
Payments may be made by mail, in person at Clagett Management, via online bill pay, or online by clicking here.  If paying online, you will need the Management ID (6972), Association ID (374), and your account number. 

~ Need a Resale Package? ~
Contact Clagett Management at 304-596-6630, or

~ Connect With Us ~
Please feel free to use the "Contact Us" link to contact the HOA manager.
Feedback on how to improve the website is always welcome!